Coordinators help student-athletes develop and reach their personal, academic, and professional potential by:
The Student Athlete Enrichment Programs maintains a staff of more than 100 highly qualified tutors across a wide variety of academic disciplines, including upper-level undergraduates and graduate students. Tutoring is available for all courses. Required training at the start of each semester focuses on academic integrity, guidelines and methods for tutoring sessions, and NCAA rules. The tutoring program is one of few nationwide certified by the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA).
The tutors are an integral part of a team effort to help student-athletes succeed at Clemson University. The academic tutors at Nieri Center motivate students and promote effective study habits. Tutors work with individuals and small groups. Visit notes are reviewed daily by advisors and the tutor coordinator.
Learning Specialists help academically vulnerable student-athletes develop skills needed to earn a Clemson degree by:
Student-Athlete Enrichment Programs produce a variety of reports throughout the semester. The weekly provost report provides information to coaches about student class attendance and study hours completed at Nieri Center. Twice per semester, grade reports offer insight into course progress, classroom engagement, and ongoing needs. That information helps academic advisors provide targeted interventions in the learning process. Final semester reports facilitate a comparison of current and past (team and individual) classroom performance.
It is vital for the Student-Athlete Enrichment Programs (SAEP) to develop a rapport with faculty in order to support student-athletes’ achievement of academic and career goals. The feedback from faculty has been invaluable in helping to track the progress of student athletes. Faculty members are invited to tour Nieri Center and learn about the services offered to student athletes. Becoming more familiar with SAEP, the faculty has shown a great deal of enthusiasm and support for student-athletes enrolled in their classes.
In addition to student-centered dialogue with faculty, Nieri Center staff members maintain an active presence in the university community by helping to staff new faculty orientation and participating in a number of campus organizations, including: staff senate, parking review board, bookstore advisory committee, orientation advisory board, alcohol and other drug advisory board, university assessment committee, EMpower, and disability services advisory board. Nieri Center staff and services report directly to the office of the provost.
The Student Athlete Enrichment Programs and Clemson University Athletic Department recognize the importance of student athletes who excel in their studies. To earn a position on the athletic academic honor roll, students must earn a 3.00 grade point average during either the fall or spring semester.
Student-athletes are given special recognition for their academic achievements annually at the CLEMMYs. This event is an opportunity to celebrate the academic and athletic achievements of student-athletes with coaches, administrators, and university guests. The awards presented at the Honor Banquet include: